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I know a few things about myself by now and some of these things are gifts to be shared. Here is my platform for my own expansion and perhaps yours.

I am a truth seeker.

I LOVE LAUghing.

I am optimistic.

I have the ability to distill seemingly complicated problems down to a basic issue. 

I  help you access any soul parts that are in need of love

together we can integrate these parts 

they will no longer be running the show from their wounding,

the result is magical! 

I am a great friend, a guide and an Intuitive listener.

i have sludged through an abusive childhood at a time when little help was offered and come through to see the perfection of it all, bringing me to a place where joy can be experienced.

Let's help eachother with this expansion.

It's why we are humans,we came here to evolve !

I am a licensed Minister


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