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                                   What Do Dreams have to do with Manifesting ?


Dreams reveal what we are about to manifest. Everything in your world is a reflection or a manifestation of what your predominate thoughts or beliefs are. And DREAMS offer us an insight into what we are in the process of manifesting. This is very exciting. These  thoughts and beliefs in our dreams are coming from our subconscious and they are the blueprint for the manifestations coming down the pike. We can discover where we are vibrationally, the dreams show you an exact reflection of your vibration. By seeing your vibration in a dream you can improve on it. 


What are we constantly doing as humans ? We are expanding, evolving.

With a Dream Interpretation Session one can evolve and gain awareness of things that are buried in our subconscious. Your dominant subconscious thoughts can come to light and with this awareness a healing can and will take place. With this healing you no longer need be vibrating unconscious negative patterns, and you will now be manifesting a more positive reality.


I was actually giddy after I did my first dream interpretation. So much so, that I studied the technique that I hereby offer to you. At my very first experience I was guided through an amazing journey into discovery of issues and then I was organically guided to reach a profound healing through my own conclusions.  


We are a team when you work with me. Curiosity and love are what I use to help you uncover what your subconscious is showing you for your own expansion. Perhaps you will uncover some painful things, yet, the magic of this empowering technique is that you won't relive the traumas that gave you the pain.  


 An aspect or a happening in your dream probably has a unique meaning to you. This is why just looking up an interpretation of a dream can't give you the same level of clarity and resolution as a guided interpretation session.


These sessions can be transformative and can help you change unwanted things in your life. You may be launched into new creative ways to look at your life and be able to manifest positive and magnificent things, which is what you deserve. 

Dream Navigation

Book A Session


Sessions are $65.00  for a one hour session. 


In this session you will be guided through your dream and your controlling subconscious thoughts will be revealed which can often change the course of your life's manifestations. Often you will feel lighter and physically better.


Normally Sessions are 1 to 1.5 hours long.


Sessions via Skype, call or in-person.

For your session all you need is a few memories of a recent dream.

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"I have been exploring my dreams for some time now… and my session with Susan opened so many beautiful doorways that I didn’t even know existed.  Our time together felt so fluid, powerful, and joyful.  Susan’s presence and guidance supported me as I danced with the mystery and wisdom of my dream.  I enjoyed our process so much I didn’t want to leave, our time together was so insightful and exciting, an experience I long to have with all of my dreams!" Becca, 2017



"Susan has skillfully, intuitively and positively guided me thru many subconscious "passageways" by using my dream images and senses. I feel more safe, balanced and positive after being guided thru my subconscious dream imagery. Her interpretations have improved my day to day outlook and quality of life." Z.F. , 2017

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